1. 研究目的与意义
2. 文献综述
As Chinglish writing or negative transfer of native language, such prevalent problems occur in college students English writing, especially in non-English majors writing, more and more scholars try to analyse the situation and find out the main solution.Bu Jiemin wrote A Study of Relationships between L1 Pragmatic Transfer and L2Proficiency to relate L2 with L1 transfer. This paper intends to study the relationship between L1 pragmatic transfer and L2 proficiency by investigating requestIt defines the negative L1 transfer as the influence exerted by learners pragmatic knowledge of languages and cultures other than second language on their comprehension, production and learning of second language pragmatic information strategies used by high and low proficiency levels of Chinese learners of English. It shows that although learners may have learned the target language grammar and the target language form, they are not necessarily able to understand the social and cultural rules which constrain the target language use. It is what the students are facing, and the problems that urge solution. Examples and research are given to conclude the relation between L1 and L2, which are tight and can interact each other. Also, it appeals to further investigation at the end of the paper.In The Negative Transfer of First Language on Second Language Acquisition,written by Ding Liming and Liang Rui, they divided the errors appearing in the students writings into five parts, substance errors, lexical errors, syntactic errors, discourse errors and cultural errors. Among these lexical errors take up the largest proportion. Besides, verb and noun errors happen more frequently, due to the difficult changes of tense and mood.Cultural errors are the most deep-rooted and difficult to deal with. The truth is that many phrases and expressions with distinct Chinesecharacteristics are repeated in newspapers or television, and students always tend to enjoy using these buzzwords without careful analysis.However, this paper does not come to a solution.Years of practice on the comparison between the two different languages with correct methodology is all it can advise.大学生英语写作中的母语负迁移现象研究 written by Du Aiping divides the errors appearing in the writing of college students into three general parts, vocabulary, grammar and structure. Referring to the grammar and structure, it points out that Chinese and English belongs to two totally different language families. Different from English, there is no limitation of grammar in Chinese. As the result of the native languages negative influence, the writings of students are in loose structure, which also shows up as the run-on sentence, and it does not conform with the regulations of English grammar. What is more, it is cultural difference, the characteristic of Chinese essay always reflect on the English writing more or less. In the conclusion, Du list some strategies. First of all is correct attitudes, having the awareness of its existance. As all people have said, the most important point the paper gives is studying harder.大学生英语写作中母语负迁移现象实证研究 written by Yue Peng gives the details of the theory of language transfer. It was put forward in 1950s, and appears in almost every kinds of study. It refersContrastive Analysis Hypothesis, which Robert Lado came up with in Linguistics Across Cultures(1957), that to a learner, it is easier to study a foreign language which has similar components to his mother tongue, and it is more difficult to study a foreign language which is quite different from his mother tongue, generally speaking, the main barrier on the way of studying foreign languages is the interference of native language. The paper shows that with more and more analysis of practice, more mistakes in the writing are made in the parts where L1 and L2 are similar, instead of the parts where are different. Besides, the paper refers to the inter-language, put forward by Selinker L. in 1969. This theory has three stages. First stage is vague acknowledgement, using languages with conjecture. Second stage is systematic acknowledgement, manifesting as systematic errors. The last stage is master stage, with few mistakes. And it is also the expected progress to recorrect the negative transfer of L1. In his paper, Yue designed an experiment and analyse it to study further. With the outcome, Yue advises to compare and analyse English and Chinese when teaching, and emphasize their similarity and difference.In大学英语写作母语负迁移现象的顺应分析, Chen Weihong thinks the existance of negative L1 transfer in English writing has some underlying causes. Her paper is based on the Verschuerens theory of linguistic adaptation, and tries to analyse the real causes from multi-angle. As the theory of linguistic adaptation, the language choice in the writing alse has three characteristics, variability, negotiability and adaptability. According to the paper, the main cause of negative L1 transfer is the neglect of these characteristics of the foreign language. The linguistice adaptation does not only include the adaptation of inner elements, such as words and structure, but also outer elements, such as society and culture. Apart from the errors caused by lack of enough knowledge, there are some unconscious errors caused by mental operation. This kind of error is mainly due to the cultural difference. In this paper, the author focus more on the immenent causes instead of listing phenomena, it gives a specific theory, linguistic adaptation, to summarize all of the causes of negative L1 transfer in the writing. All above is based on my research in my topic Negative L1 transfer in non-English majors writing, and with these I can complete my paper and study further. I decide to write my paper by comparative analysis and error analysis to analyse the cause of the negative L1 transfer and its reflection on the grammar, sentences and structure. Then, through the questonary I will collect the information of the situation to verify and complete my conclusion. In the end, the proper suggestions will be given, which are expected to be helpful.
3. 设计方案和技术路线
4. 工作计划
5. 难点与创新点
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