1. 研究目的与意义
Wuthering heights is the only work of England Emily at the 19th century .The spot of the story is mainly about the love story between Heath cliff and Catharine the love and regret and revenge is not only the soul of the novel, but also is the key of the work. The critics about the novel have different ideas about it, especially they have many discussion about the host of story Wuthering heights. Critics have analyzed the character of him from the different aspects. A completely and in-depth analysis about the Wuthering heights is good for us to study the novel well. The best part of the novel is the love story between Heath cliff and Cathrine, their love has beyond the general meaning of love which also can be said as a love outthought the word. But the forming ad the development of this kind of love has be an important reason of the c haraccter of Heath cliff .This discourse will analyze the reason of the forming the character of Heath cliff from the ill-treatment by him and others and his weakness and brave. So it can improve the readers to understand the novel of Emil well.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
This paper will analyze the ill-treatment by himself and others ,his weakness and brave ,from his normal character to his unmoral character analyze the reason of his dualism character. His weakness and brave also had doomed his character. Cathrine is an important role ,and their love is the most important reason for the change of his character .No matter how his character change ,he can not against the human nature ,from his ending we can see the return of the human nature.
3. 国内外研究现状
There are many professes and scholars have analyzed .the character of Heath cliff many scholars have analyzed the reason of the forming of the character of Heath cliff from different sides, some of them think his character is informal and ill-treat himself, and some think that is because of the social background, but also some scholars think he is the hero of the love who dare to love and hate. Many scholars have studied the reason of the character forming, such as the translation of the Wuthering heights of England Emily Bronte by Yan Hong Mei and Zhang Yun. They said that because that kind of the treatment, no matter hoes better man he is he would de a demon. Liu Feng Hui also said that the character forming of him is mainly about the environment around him. There is no doubt that the money is the standard of the society at that time .The shame which is taken by the poverty like a knife which had changed the character. In addition, Chen Yi ping think that the god has a revenge character. In the book weather Heath cliff is a romantic hero or goal, she said that human can not do better than itself, Heath cliff can not beyond the nature of human ,he also have been hurt by himself. So analysis from many sides to analyze the character of Heath cliff has a great meaning.
4. 计划与进度安排
Consultation: On the base of leading a lot of literatures ,this paper analyze the reason of the forming of the character from the different sides. Analysis: Based on his character of Heath cliff under the Emily ,we can analyze the reason of the forming of the character from the dualism. Compare: The ill-treatment by himself and others and his weakness and brave.
5. 参考文献
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