The Comparison of Similarities between F Scoot Fitzgerald and Gatsby开题报告

 2022-07-13 15:21:32

1. 研究目的与意义

The Great Gatsby has long been a successful novel since it got published in 1920s.It was created under the background of New York City of that time. The profound meaning it contains lasts for generations and generations and always attracts people to explore. The Great Gatsby is on the second place of the list of greatest novels in the twentieth century that was made by American academic authorities.

The book made Fitzgerald a leading representative of The Jazz Age as well as The Lost Generation. Fitzgerald was born in 1986.During his limited lifetime, he went through extreme ups and downs, and to some extent it definitely became the source of inspiration when he started writing The Great Gatsby which turned out to be the thing that brought him fortune and glory then ultimately ruined him. As a writer, his most distinctive feature is the quality of his poetic and dreamy writing style.

The theme of his writing in his lifetime is chasing for the American dream and how it exploded. This connected his life, career, and his works altogether as a whole. None of other American writers explored the core of American spirit like the way Fitzgerald did. A great part of his works reflected his life and American society like a mirror. He focused on the full reflection of real life and the details of American modern life. Gatsby#8217;s life experiences have a lot in common with Fitzgerald#8217;s.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

Research objectives:

I write this thesis in order to learn more about the life of Fitzgerald and have a deeper understanding of The Great Gatsby. And I would like to achieve this by comparing the similarities of their lives and finding out how American dream and value affected them.

Research contents:


3. 国内外研究现状

The Great Gatsby contains so many implied meanings that attract researchers both domestically and internationally. Gatsby may not be great because the word can be understood as being ironic. However, the writer Fitzgerald is truly great. Gatsby is a shadow of his tragic ending and his prophecy about the disillusion of American dream is way beyond his generation. From some foreign research, in the book #8220;Some Sort of Epic Grandeur: The Life of F Scoot. Fitzgerald#8221; by Matthew J. Bruccoli, Fitzgerald is spelled out here in all his glory, yet, we also get to see his unflattering side...paranoia, arrogance, unharnessed alcoholism, and downright neurosis. F Scott Fitzgerald was a brilliant man whose life became legend. The author believed that the reason why he is a pretty easy biographical subject is because his fiction was so closely based on his own life and experiences and he wrote so many letters and kept such detailed notebooks and ledgers accounting for his own life. He also had relationships with many people who left behind many accounts of him.

Domestically, many researchers also believe that there are a lot of things related between Fitzgerald and Gatsby. They believed that American value had profound influences on both of them which resulted in their tragedies.In Zhang Yu#8217;s article published in 2011 #8220;Cause of Disillusionment of Fitzgerald and Gatsby#8217;s Dream#8221;, she listed a few reasons related. First is the excessive pursuit for wealth and ignorance of spirit. They both ignored spiritual things and kept getting emptier in their inner world. The second reason is that their dream was unreal itself. There is no way that everyone can become wealthy and successful. American dream sometimes gave people unreal hope. The opportunity of realizing this dream was mostly available for upper class, not of people like Fitzgerald or Gatsby. Their success was more like a falling star, shining but short like a flash. The third factor is the contradiction existed between upper and lower class. It was unlikely that people belong to lower class like Fitzgerald and Gatsby can be completely accepted by upper class. From Sun Chenggui#8217;s article #8220;Salvation: A Paradoxical Archetype---Historical Projection of Fitzgerald and His Gatsby#8221; published in 2006, we can get that he believed that the tragedy of them both is closely related with time background in early 20th century America. As we all know, Fitzgerald is considered as the speaker of #8220;the Lost Generation#8221; and the time he lived was one of the most glorious and pleasure-seeking decades in American history. It was a time that traditional moral rules were abandoned and people felt spiritually disoriented under the pursuit for American dream. Fitzgerald had already sensed the disillusionment of American dream sadly his observation was detached from himself. Gatsby was also like this. He devoted himself into chasing for pure dream and his purpose and means were gradually twisted. It was a vivid reflection of American society of that age. The first American immigrants were Puritans with the sole purpose of getting out of the corrupted world and created a new era. However, with accumulation of material wealth, they turned backed on their dream.

Some researcher listed some similarities between the two. In Sun Shunxiang#8217;s article#8221; Seeing Fitzgerald from Gatsby#8221; published in 2007, he stated that one of the reasons caused their tragedy is because they had similar ideological background. After World War I, the American dream was torn apart and the sense of life was dislocated. In addition, the development of technology helped people broaden their horizon and increase their knowledge level. There was a huge wave of resolution going on with old moralities being left behind. As a result, Fitzgerald and Gatsby lost nearly all of their old morals except for their unrealistic morality. In Xie Jiashun#8217;s article#8221; Gatsby---Another Fitzgerald#8221; publish in 8, 30 2000, he argued that why their tragedy happened is partly because they both attached too much importance on money as means to get happiness. Fitzgerald once suffered from poverty. He was born in a business family and his ancestors owned few lands. However, his family had lost most of their fortune until his father#8217;s generation. He lived a relatively wealthy life for a while with his mother#8217;s inheritance then the first World Economy Crisis turned their life back to the way it was. With help of his relatives, he finally went to Princeton University gathered around students from rich families. There he fell in love with a beautiful lady from a wealthy family. But she soon left him due to her father#8217;s disapproval. The huge gap of family background, stress from study and all other pressure made Fitzgerald drop out of school soon after the break out of World War I. During that time, He met Zelda, daughter of a local judge. He succeeded in winning the girl#8217;s heart with his handsome appearance and intelligence. And again, Zelda left him for the same reason. Prejudice from the society, girls leaving him all because he had no money or social status, one thing after another made Fitzgerald convinced that having more money is the key to happiness, and he held the thought in his entire life afterwards. Gatsby was also the same. He made various rules for him to become successful and carried them strictly. Unfortunately, in a society where money and status is the leading factor of getting other#8217;s recognition, no matter how hard Gatsby worked, he would only get teased and overlooked. The only lesson he got from Daisy was that without money, there was no way to achieve happiness. Unlike Fitzgerald who earned money by his intelligence and hard work, Gatsby choose to be a smuggler of wine and became rich overnight. They both lost their bottom line for the life they had always fantasized. From Sun Zhangping#8217;s article#8221; The Great Gatsby and American Dream#8221; publish in Sep, 2007, she pointed out that some negative parts in American dream ruined Gatsby and Fitzgerald. From Gatsby, we can see that the American dream was constantly changing in a subtle way without being realized by Americans. To some extent, Gatsby had already become a hero since he changed his fate with elaborated plans. He still sensed that all his experiences could only bring him money, not respect or glory. He threw parties generously everyday for people he never knew to enjoy and worried that he might not be thoughtful enough. At the same time, he tried everything to hide who he really was, even made up absurd lies to pretend that he came from a wealthy and well-educated family. The author made a point that there is a thought deeply rooted in not just Americans#8217; heads, but in the entire human race#8217;s heads, that people are more proud of the privileges they are born with, rather than things achieved by your hard work. Even Americans who are made of immigrants and advocate for equality, still can#8217;t shake off prejudice from the old world. It is an introspection and betrayal to the American dream.


4. 计划与进度安排

Nov.2012-Dec. 2022

Collect related materials and set the general direction of the thesis



5. 参考文献

[1] F Scoot. Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby.[Z] Revised in September 30, 2004.

[2]Matthew J. Bruccol .Some Sort of Epic Grandeur: The Life of F Scoot. Fitzgerald.[M]. Revised edition (August 1, 2002).

[3] Steven F. Messner, Richard Rosenfeld. Crime and American Dream.[M].5th Edition.

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