1. 研究目的与意义
With the acceptance of the world Chinese poetry in English translation has a long history and great achievements, it had a great impact on the communication and promoted exchanges between China and Britain and America in literature and culture. With the development of globalization in the 21st century, China is increasing its role in the world. China''''s culture has been paid more and more attention by the world and Chinese poetry inevitably become the focus of attention. In ancient times, during the trip to Europe, Chinese literature has become an important way to go into the west.Poetry in China has a long history of several thousand years and it has made brilliant achievements. Nearly 30 years, as research in the field of literary translation 'cultural turn' trend is becoming more deeply and due to the unique charm of Chinese traditional culture and profound Chinese poetry, Chinese poetry translation and transmission has begun to enter the mainstream of Western culture. As early as the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period, a large number of Chinese poetry had a glorious chapter, the 'Book of Songs' marked the emergence of China''''s first poetry collection. Poetry is the literary style of the members of the nobility for its forms and deepness in content. As far as I know, although poetry is easy to spread, it is the most difficult to translate poetry and literary style of communication. European tour of Chinese poetry is full of all kinds of legends and frustrations, but Chinese poetry has enormous charm and it has long been conducted translation by different persons from multinational hotshots. Dating back to 16th century, it was the time when Chinese poetry went into the English communication circle. The 'Poetic Art' (G.Puttenham, 1589) first introduced the Chinese versification, and translated two poems. During Kangxi Dynasty, French troops Joseph (JHMde Premare, 1698 came to China) translated the Book of Songs and the translation was collected in Chinese Annals' Volume II (Le P.du Halde, 1735). Thus more English readers exposed to Chinese poetry. Since then, the British sinologist JFDavis held in his monograph-'Chinese language poetry solutions' (1829) citing 'Book of Songs' and the Qin Dynasty to Six Case to discuss Chinese folk poetry rhyme and on longer relied on the translation. Since then, due to the joint efforts of Western and overseas Chinese scientists and scholars, Chinese poetry criticism has become China#8217;s most active areas of literary research.With the deepening communication between China and the western, two-way cultural exchange, in particular #8220;to the West Biography#8221; is becoming compelling topic and as an important part of school combination of classical Chinese literature in the west spread too much academic attention.
2. 研究内容和预期目标
Generally speaking, this thesis is planned to set the spread of Chinese poetry from China to western world as the starting point. Select the most representative Anglo-American translators since the mid 19th century and 20th century and use the modern and contemporary Western translation theory ideas and a wealth of translation cases, analysis of comments on the poetry of their major achievements in the forms of tips, history and other contributions. The thesis is planned to research from two main aspects: one is from the ancient classic poetry and the other is from the modern new poetry. Both aspects will choose one example to classify the process and development of Chinese poetry to English-speaking world. The ancient classic poetry will take Du Fu#8217;s poetry for example and the modern new poetry will take Tsangyang Gyatso#8217;s poetry for example. Through the analysis of Du Fu and Tsangyang Gyatso, we don#8217;t only need to know what the poetry is from Chinese view; we also need to know what influence the poetry has made from western people.Overall, by careful research and analysis, the thesis tries to find all the connection between Chinese poetry and western world through two classic people Du Fu and Tsangyang Gyatso.Outline: Ⅰ.IntroductionII. The development of Chinese poetry from China to English-speaking world 2.1 The spread of Chinese poetry since 19th century2.1.1 The most representative translators in 19th and 20th century2.2 The popularization and promotion of Chinese poetry in English-speaking world 2.2.1 The formation of different school of Chinese poetryIII. Ancient Classic Poetry in English-speaking World 3.1 The overall situation of ancient classic poetry 3.2 The analysis of Du Fu#8217;s poetry 3.2.1 The influence of Du Fu#8217;s poetry 3.2.2 The translation of Du Fu#8217;s poetryIV. Modern New Poetry in English-speaking World 4.1 The overall situation of modern new poetry4.2Three periods of Tangyang Gyatso#8217;s poetry 4.2.1 Origin Stage 4.2.2 Initial Development Stage 4.2.3 Multiple Stage of Development4.3 The Translation of Tangyang Gyatso#8217;s PoetryV. ConclusionReference
3. 国内外研究现状
In the course of China''''s development of classical poetry, Du Fu plays an important role that continues with the past and opens up the future. He inherited the traditional creation from 'Book of Songs', the Yuefu songs of the Han and Wei Dynasty which reflects the reality and Du Fu was even more mature and superb. He did not follow the old creation habits that started from ancient Jianan instead he had the spirit of self-innovation and knew thing is a necessary factor of poetry. For such works, Bai Juyi made high marks in his book #8220;A Letter to Yuan Jiu#8221; and Yuan Zhen described his inspire in #8220;Folk Ancient Title Sequence#8221;. They said that in their eyes only Du Fu#8217;s poetry like #8220;Chen Tao sad#8221;, #8221;Sorrow Egami#8221;, #8220;Beauty Line#8221; is th documentary masterpiece. The new general mood of Yuefu was directly made out of Du Fu. In the first half 19th century of English-speaking world, the dedication to Du Fu is still relatively lacking and the new situation begins from the second half of 19th century. Famous English scholar Sir John Francis Davis launched in a brief evaluation of the Tang Dynasty in 1870 from the new expanded edition of the 'Chinese language poem solution', in which translated Du Fu#8217;s poetry #8221;Spring Night Rain#8221; and pointed out the poem referred the value of timely rain. Only like the rain in the atmosphere in southern China as hot weather and dry land can get the proper experience. In 1874, sinologist William Fredrick Mayers published #8221;Chinese Readers Handbook#8221; where he explained to the British people about Du Fu#8217;s birth date, death date as well as birthplace, as the identity of poet#8217;s reputation and the reason of death. Although the entry has only a few lines, it is a direct description of Du Fu#8217;s life and that has a very important significance in the process of entering the English-speaking world. Du Fu in English-speaking world has existed at least a century of history, in which translation and academic research constitute an important way to spread. Its development has gone through three stages: from the early of corruption to the later presenting a more authentic reproduction then to a new era of deconstruction. Du fu#8217;s image also will be different, reflecting the different mentality of each period. Here and now, Du Fu#8217;s extraterritorial dissemination and accepted theory for the perfect system construction and in the face of world literature propositions are of great significance.Du Fu#8217;s poetry not only as the past and history of Chinese people, but also has a profound impact on subsequent Chinese poetry and appreciation. With the exchange of Chinese and western cultures, it spread in another language and manner in the exotic view. The high spirit of patriotism in Du Fu#8217;s poetry plays an active role not only in the history of literature but also in the history of China. Patriotic Song Dynasty poet Lu You was deeply affected by Du Fu for his understanding of poem for people. Good poetry is caused by outstanding personality and that is so-called #8220;Work in poetry#8221; which corrected his early school poetry. Since then, Lu You had created many heroic patriotic poems. National hero Wen Tianxiang who is also a lover of Du Fu, during his three years in jail, he read a lot of Du Fu#8217;s poetry and collected five-character cut shorts to 200. In order to fully reflect the reality, Du Fu mastered all the verses and creatively played a variety of body functions for verses and brought benefit to future generations. For vivid and true reflection of social life, Du Fu also taught a lot on performance on practices for future generations such as the use of vernacular and spoken language in folk songs. Du Fu impacted on future generation as well as moral. In 20th century, the modern American poet Kenneth Rexroth thinks that what Du Fu concerns is about the love among people and people as well as toleration and compassion. He said: My poetry is no doubt affected by Du Fu. I think he is the greatest poet outside the area of the epic and the drama. To some extent, he even surpasses Shakespeare and Homer, at least he is more natural and cordial.Tangyang Gyatso is the most famous poet in Tibet. The poetry he wrote not only has an important position in the history of Tibetan literature, resulting in a far-reaching influence on the Tibetan people but also is a miracle wonderful flower in the world and attracted many scholars#8217; interest. Some come with the original Tibetan manuscripts and some with woodcut print and some spread orally. It all shows Tibetan people#8217;s touch love. Chinese language translations and publishers have at least ten or in the form of neat five-character or seven or lively free verse and all are welcomed by domestic people. The English translation published in 1980 and professor Yu daoquan had translated into both Chinese and English. The Chinese translation is carefully worded, well-scrutiny, and remain faithful and accurate original poem grace. Coupled with Dr. Zhao Yuanren#8217;s IPA phonetic, it established a scientifically documenting and translating Tibetan literary model. The contribution of Tagyang Gyasto is enormous, creating a new poetic style that is always memorable and respect.
4. 计划与进度安排
1) 2022-11-1~11-23: choose the topic of the thesis and submit to the tutor2) 2022-12-1~12-31: write, submit and modify the thesis proposal3) 2022-1-19~3-19: finish the first draft and submit to the tutor to finish the first draft review4) 2022-4-11~5-6: Proofread and submit the revised thesis repeatedly (second draft, third draft), submit the foreign literature and translation5) 2022-5-7~5-10: submit the finalized version of the thesis
5. 参考文献
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