1. 研究目的与意义
近年来, 在贸易成交量突飞猛进的同时 ,中国与美国的纠纷也不间断。
美国 2009年对华发起的轮胎贸易特保案仅是其中的一个缩影。
2. 研究内容与预期目标
3. 研究方法与步骤
文献分析法1. 查找、阅读与本课题相关的足够数量的文献;2. 搜集语料;3. 建立语料库;4. 分析语料库;5. 明确论点、充实论据;6. 完成论文。
4. 参考文献
[1] Fairclough, N. 1992. Discourse and Social Change [M]. Cambridge: Polity Press. [2] Fairclough, N.1989. Language and Power [M]. London: Longman. [3] Fowler, R. et al.1979. Language and Control [M]. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. [4] Hart, C. 2010. Critical Discourse Analysis and Cognitive Science: New Perspectives on Immigration Discourse [M]. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [5] Lamb, E. C. 2013. Power and resistance: New methods for analysis across genres in critical discourse analysis [J]. Discourse Society 24(3): 334–360. [6] Patrick, S. 2010. Irresponsible Stakeholder? The Difficult of Integrating Rising Power [J]. Foreign Affair, 89(6): 44-53. [7] Rand Corporation annual report [OL]. http://www.rand.org/about/annual_report.html. 2016. [8]Semino, E. M. Short. 2004. Corpus stylistics: Speech, writing and thought presentation in a corpus of English writing [M]. London: Routledge. [9] Shambaugh, D. (eds). 1993. American Studies of Contemporary China [M]. New York: Woodrow Wilson Center Press. [10] Sowinska, A. 2013. A critical discourse approach to the analysis of values in political discourse: The example of freedom in President Bush’s State of the Union addresses (2001–2008) [J]. Discourse Society 24(6) 792–809.[11] Vaara, E. 2014. Struggles over legitimacy in the Eurozone crisis: Discursive legitimation strategies and their ideological underpinnings [J]. Discourse Society 25(4) 500–518.[12] Van Dijk, T. A. 1998. Ideology: A Multidisciplinary Approach [M]. London: SAGE.[13]Van Leeuwen, T. 2007. Legitimation in discourse and communication [J]. Discourse Communication 1(1): 91–112.[14] Van Leeuwen, T. and Wodak, R. 1999. Legitimizing immigration control: A discourse-historical Analysis [J]. Discourse Studies 10(1): 83–118.[15]Chartiris-Black,J. Politics and Rhetoric:the Persuasive Power of Metaphor [M]. Hampshire Palgrave,2005. [16] 尤泽顺。
5. 工作计划
序号 起 迄 日 期工 ?作 ?内 ?容 1 第七学期10-11周 论文命题与选题;指导教师与学生见面,第一次面授; 2 15-18周 学生根据教师下达的“任务书”,进行论文撰写的前期准备; 3 第八学期 1- 4周: 论文开题,写出开题报告;拟写论文提纲;指导教师审定签字; 45-14周 学生撰写、修改论文 [11周:交一稿; 14周:交二稿]; 515-16周 论文最后定稿,装订、上交; 6 16-17周指导教师和评阅教师批阅论文,写出评语,给出建议成绩。
717周 论文答辩(具体时间另行通知)
- 非语言语境与翻译 Non-linguistic Context And Translation开题报告
- 汉语诗歌中文化意象英译的研究 ——以李商隐作品为例开题报告
- 中式思维对中国学习英语写作学习的负迁移研究开题报告
- A Study of Subtitle Translation of Game of Thrones from the Perspective of Eco-translatology开题报告
- 解读《蝇王》中对人性恶的漠视与托辞Pretermission and Pretext for Human Evil as Reflected in Lord of the Flies开题报告
- 从国家政要人物讲话稿中的习语典故引用浅谈翻译 brief discussion on idioms in the text of statement of senior politicians开题报告
- 中学英语口语教学中的话题选择 Topic Selection in Oral English Teaching in Middle Schools开题报告
- On the Themes in Hawthrones Works 霍桑作品主题分析开题报告
- 丘吉尔演说中的危机化解修辞研究开题报告
- 从静态动态转化角度浅析张培基译著开题报告