英语专业学生社会文化能力研究—从建构主义理论角度出发 A Study on Cultural Competence of English Major Students—From the Perspective of Constructivism Theory开题报告

 2023-01-04 11:16:36

1. 研究目的与意义

In recent years, as more and more people pay attention to culture teaching in foreign language learning. In China, as a result of examination-oriented education system, teachers and students do not take culture learning as an important part of communication, thus students culture competence is being ignored. Researches suggested that their language competence was not consistent with culture competence. Therefore, knowing the situation of culture competence and culture teaching as well as putting forward solving strategies possess crucial practical and theoretical significance.


2. 文献综述





3. 设计方案和技术路线

1.Research the document

2.Select and revise measure tool

3.Distribute culture test paper to the subjects


4. 工作计划

2022.12.23讨论选题大致方向,论文框架结构。2022.1确定论文题目及论文形式、主要内容。 2022.4讨论修改并打印论文问卷,开始论文前期理论准备工作。2022.5修改论文一稿。

5. 难点与创新点

Based on conditions mentioned above, the aim of this topic is to know the culture competence of sophopmore English majors in Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, and try to find suggestions for the future development of the cultural teaching byculture testandpersonal interviews. To be more specific, the study tries to answer the following questions:

1.Is social cultural competence of English majors in Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine consistent with language competence?

2.Whats the relationship between culture test score and language test score?

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