On Shakespeares Sonnets and Their Chinese Translation: From the Perspective of Deconstruction开题报告

 2022-07-13 15:40:15

1. 研究目的与意义


In the field of translation studies, poetry translation is always one of the most troublesome parts, but also the most attractive one. Scholars and professional translators have been trying to grapple with the problems that the poetry genre has affected its translation by productive tactics and creative theories for many years. In general, theorists and practitioners can be put into two camps: literal translation camp and free translation camp. The main difference lies on the relations between form and content. William Shakespeare#8217;s Sonnets can be a great difficulty to anyone who wants to explain the formal and thematic complication of the poems because of their strict rhyme, rich images and rhetorical devices. However, these challenges cannot prevent the hard-working translators all over the world. In China, more than 10 scholars have published their own translations of Shakespeare#8217;s Sonnets. So, what we need to do now is to rethink the traditional theory from a new point of view in order to find more creative approaches to illustrate those fancy poems.

Currently, more and more theories and methodologies have come into view. From these new theories, the theory of deconstruction, which originates in France, has made great effects on traditional translations and has become more influential in recent days. Deconstruction, born in France in the 1960s, is truly an imposing post-modern philosophical theory. It has penetrated into various aspects of social life such as literature, aesthetics, acts, etc. Deconstruction is also known as post-structuralism or postmodern, which has the feature of deconstructing. It is a critical outlook concerned with the relationship between text and meaning and it systematically fights against and undoes the structuralism#8217;s opinions of structure and meaning. Deconstruction challenges the traditional translation rule of #8220;faithfulness#8221;, it illustrates that translation cannot be completely and absolutely faithful to the original text. It denies the existence of ultimate meaning of original texts and breaks the old duality relationship between author and translator, original text and translation. The theory emphasizes the translator#8217;s initiative and explains that all of the texts are intertextual to each other. Theoretically speaking, deconstruction asserts translator#8217;s creativity and subjectivity. In this sense, it will not only bring new vitality into the translation research but also offer translation studies some unexpected perspectives.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

Purpose and significance

Shakespeare#8217;s Sonnets include 154 sonnets which were written during the 16th century. They mainly focus on themes like the pass of time, love, beauty and mortality. Although the sonnets appeared in the 16th century which seems too far away from us, they still have far-reaching research significance to contemporary literature. The Sonnets were firstly introduced to China during the May Fourth Period, which is thought to be #8220;the third peak for translation#8221;, at that time, the trend of translating western poems raised up. Among the great translators, such as Lu Xun, Hu Shi, Zhu Xiang was the first person who had translated Shakespeare#8217;s Sonnets 18,30,54 and 109 into Chinese collected in his #8220;Guave Collection#8221;, which was published in 1936 after his death. Since then, dozens of Chinese versions had been published. However, neither of the Chinese versions is alike because they are translated on the basis of different historical periods and various theories. In this essay, the author choose three different Chinese versions of Shakespeare#8217;s Sonnets and analyze them in the perspective of deconstruction, in order to achieve new translations of the Sonnets, as a result, get some new ideas and understandings about Sonnets.

The criterion of translation is always paid much attention in the field of translation, and it is also the central theme of translation theory study. Wrong translated verses will have a bad influence both on the spread of culture and the readers#8217; understanding. Thus, the translators have the responsibility to present their readers with high-quality translation work. In this thesis, the author keeps an eye on how translation text be affected by factors from the opinions of deconstruction theory. The conclusion is no doubt instructive and meaningful to the translators, furthermore, it will benefit original works to be better understood by people from different backgrounds.


3. 国内外研究现状

William Shakespeare is one of the most distinguished writers all over the world. His works, which include 38 pieces of dramas, 154 sonnets, two long epic poems and some other poems, are the extraordinary treasure in the world#8217;s literature and have been translated into several kinds of languages. Until now his works are still prevailing among readers.

In China, there are twelve translation versions of sonnets. The widely spread ones are published by Tu An, Liang Shiqiu, Liang Zongdai, Cao Minglun, and Gu Zhengkun. In this essay, author choose to focus on translation from Tu An, Cao Minglun and Gu Zhengkun, their translation versions represent their own style.

The rhyme of Shakespeare#8217;s Sonnets is quite strict. It mainly applies the rhyme: abab adad efef gg. In the translation, ,Tu and Cao tried to follow the rhyme form of the sonnets as much as possible to show their beauty in form and rhyme. Tu once mentioned in his translation that #8220; In literature translation, especially poetry translation, translators should pay attention to both the essence and the form of the sonnets. They shouldn#8217;t only try to follow the stylistic beauty, but also the beauty of form and rhyme in the source sonnets(Tu, 1997, p.2). However, Gu applies the traditional rhyme of Chinese poetry in his translation of the sonnets. The rhyme of traditional Chinese poem is mainly aaba. He suggests that since the beauty of sound belongs to untranslatable factors, translators can put the source rhyme aside, giving a clear explanation of the source rhyme, and then try to create a kind of beauty in sound under the guidance of traditional Chinese rhyme in poem in order to pursue the same strong effect aroused by the sound beauty in the source sonnets(Gu, 2007, p.4). On the other hand, in terms of the translation of cultural connotation, Gu and Cao adopt the mental space oriented blending translation which mainly applies amplification strategies, demonstrating selectiveness and creativity of translators. Translation can be optional for particular user groups for particular purposes(Sager, 1993, p.131). Just as Guo Moruo suggests that brilliant translation is equal to creation, with which he once proposed a piece if experience from Soviet Union, #8220;when the Soviet Union#8217;s translators want to translate one Chinese poem, they would ask the one who clearly understand the meaning of the poem to translate the meaning first and then they would choose another person who is good at poem creation to make the former translation more like a poem#8221;(Wang, 2004,p.148).


4. 计划与进度安排

Shakespeare#8217;s Sonnets have been translated for dozens of times, the author carried out research through case study: analyzing the three Chinese versions from Tu An, Cao Minglun and Gu Zhengkun from the perspective of deconstruction theory. In the process, the author mainly use the contrastive method to analyze the three different versions. Through this, readers will see clearly why the same original work can be translated into so many different Chinese versions. What#8217;s more, convincing examples from the three versions are necessary to prove the conclusion. Besides, some other methods, such as classification, quotation, description will also appear in the essay.

5. 参考文献


[1] Finlay, I.F. (1971). Translating. Edinburgh: The English University Press.

[2] Frazer, R. (1960). The origin of the Term #8220;Image#8221;. ELH, 27(2), 149-161.

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