The Character Analysis of The Great Gatsby开题报告

 2022-07-13 15:42:45

1. 研究目的与意义

F.Scott. Fitzgerald was one of the most representative American novelists of the 1920s. He was not only a leading participant in the typically frivolous, carefree, moneymaking life of the decade but also a detached observer of it. The Great Gatsby (1925) is regarded by many critics as one of the finest twentieth- century American novels. T. S. Eliot called it #8220;the first step the American novel has taken since Henry James.#8221;

The Great Gatsby is the best work of American writer-F. Scott Fitzgerald, which is an important American literary classics. Fitzgerald used his own experience to show the social style and the feelings vividly in the 1920s, which represented the disillusionment of #8220;American dream#8221; after the World War I.

The novel has strong times, profoundly reveals the shortcomings of American society, so that people deeply aware of the 'American Dream' unreal and ethereal, let us see this dream can not be achieved and know the social cruelty and distortion of human nature, which makes individual fate changed very quickly. Understanding the character of The Great Gatsby, can help us better understand the changes under the 'American Dream' as the core of human nature background.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

1.Research contents: Through a deep study of the character in this novel, to explore the reasons for the disillusionment of #8220;American dream#8221; .

2.Writing outline: This article will interpret The Great Gatsby from the three aspects.

I. Introduction


3. 国内外研究现状

The 1920s to the 1930s in American was promoted as 'The Jazz Age', because this era was the most fun years of unprecedented prosperity in American history, it is the creation of the 'American Dream', and also the golden age of American Fiction. The emergence of Scott Fitzgerald F. such a world renowned chronicler and poet , his work vividly reflects the prosperity and desolation of that era. After his masterpiece The Great Gatsby published , he achieved a great appreciation for the work, and it also laid the Fitzgerald position in the history of American literature, even the author was dubbed as a spokespersonof 'The Jazz Age'.

The Great Gatsby has been eighty years since it had been first published in 1924, the study and commentary of Fitzgerald#8217; work have been emerging in endless, after some time passed, The shifting winds of literary review in different eras, related Fitzgerald biography and commentaries continue publishing, and ultimately confirmed, this work is to withstand the scrutiny of time. You can clearly see that many deep study has been done into it at aboard, such as: fiction theme, discourse structure, narrative technique, writing skills, and the deep discussion about the 'Jazz Age' and the 'American dream', such as the American scholar Giles Mitchell in his work The great narcissist: A study of Fitzgerald''''s Jay Gatsby, which analyzed the charisma of Gatsby , and he thought that Gatsby is a great narcissist, a Platonic idealist.

4. 计划与进度安排

1.November 30, 2022--Choice a topic.

2.Before January 18, 2022--Complete the topic of paper.

3.Before April 10, 2022--Complete the first draft and medium-term inspection.


5. 参考文献


[2] 威廉#183;范#183;俄康纳编.张爱玲等译.美国现代七大小说家[M].北京:生活#183;读书#183;新知三联书店,1988.

[3] 常耀信.美国文学简史[M].天津:南开大学出版社,1996.

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