The Analysis of the Cultural Connotions of the Greek and Roman Mythology Reflected in English Phrases开题报告

 2022-07-15 14:21:06

1. 研究目的与意义

The Greek-roman Mythology has exerted profound and vast influences on the English language, the formation of some English words in particular. Many words and phrases that are being used today derive from the Greek-roman Mythology. Thus, many words sharing a same root in the Greek-roman Mythology are endowed with the same or similar meaning. Without a sound knowledge of the mythology, the symbolic meanings of the derived words may be found difficult to understand. Considering words rooting in the Greek-roman Mythology are ubiquitous in our daily life, remaining a stranger to that mythology means remaining a stranger to the cultural connotation of the intended deep meaning. Besides, analyzing cultural connotations of words rooting in the mythology is a good way to help us to use these words accurately.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

My paper will give a brief introduction of several words stemming from the Greek-roman mythology and their cultural connotations. By brief introducing the mythology, my paper will make a simple classification of these words and a brief introduction of their influences on different parts of human society. The paper will also explore the symbolic meaning of words and idioms originating from the Greek-roman Mythology in some literature works and then briefly analyze connotation of these idioms. The paper will also include some analysis of the words in the Greek-roman Mythology used in the naming of brands and its functions they bring.

3. 国内外研究现状

There have been many researches both on abroad and at home on the words rooting from the Greek and Roman mythology. Zhao Kajun in Zhengzhou University has published 3 essays, introducing respectively the relations between the Greek and Roman mythology and the English words, idioms and literature. (2000,2001,2003) He divided these words into different professions and idioms into none phrases, verb phrases and metaphor idioms. Peng Jiahai in Wu Han Industry University in his essay analyzes poems praising Greek heroes and concludes that the the Greek and Roman mythology promote romantism in English poems.(2004)

A lot of researches have been made on the topic and the exploration on this field remains unfinished.

4. 计划与进度安排

I. Introduction

The Greek-roman mythology is considered as a root of modern western culture. It also exerts profound influence on the evolution of words and some phrases. Many words and phrases in use today contain roots deriving from the Greek and Roman mythology. These words and phrases can be found in many fields because of their different original meanings and some even developed into idioms. With these words and phrases used in different fields, their connotations are expanding. To gain a thorough understanding of the Greek-roman mythology is indispensable to remember and understand and use the words and phrases rooting in the mythology.

II. classification of words and phrases deriving from the Greek-roman mythology and their connotations

1.Words that with roots in the Greek-roman mythology

2.Words from names of the Greek and Roman Gods and Goddesses (brands naming)

3.Words that in professional fields

4. Idioms with connotations in the Greek-roman mythology

5. Phrases used on the naming of places

III. words and phrases used in literature works and their connotations

1. Words and idioms stemming from the Greek-roman mythology used in novels

2. Words and idioms stemming from the Greek-roman mythology used in poems

IV. conclusion

Only by a lot studies on deriving from the Greek and Roman mythology, can we be able to discover their deep and rich cultural connotations and exactly understand and faithfully use them. The Greek and roman mythology has exerted influences on every aspects on human society. Words and phrases that can be traced in the Greek and Roman mythology are ubiquitous. Only by understanding their connotations in the Greek and Roman mythology, can we have a better knowledge of these words and phrases.

5. 参考文献

[1]宁爽. 希腊罗马神话原型对大学英语词汇影响的类典型研究[D]. 吉林:吉林大学,2007.

[2]赵锴军. On the Influence of the Greek and Roman Mythology upon the English Language and Literature[D]. 郑州:郑州大学,2008.

[3]赵锴军. 希腊罗马神话和英语词汇[C]. 福建:华侨大学,2003.

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