Analysis of themes in The Scarlet Letter from artistic characteristics开题报告

 2022-07-17 13:56:34

1. 研究目的与意义

As a historical novel, Scartlet Letter is set in Boston in the 17th century, the life style of puritan society in England of North America. Just as Hawthorne said in the preface, what he wants to tell in the story is close to people#8217;s mind, not purposely pursue the fact of people#8217;s experience. In terms of the theme of this novel, Hawthorne deeply explores the essence ofpuritan society by portraying three kinds of sinners, including the adultery on Hester Prynne,the hypocrisy on Dimmesdale and the madness retaliation on Chillingworth. Especially, Hawthorne interpret the relationship between the human nature and the social environment. Symbolism was successfully embodied in this novel by Hawthorne of his expression about the different kinds of #8220;A#8221; in different characters. Meanwhile, the #8220;A#8221; on Prynne#8217;s breast had a changed symbolic meaning from #8220;Adultery#8221; to #8220;Angel#8221; #8220;Able#8221;. Not only in the symbolic meanings but also his innovative narrative technique is worh making a deep study about Scarlet Letter. This paper is a deeper research and it aims at expressing its theme value from its artistic features.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

After reading the Scarlet Letter-the masterpiece of Nathaniel Hawthorne, I was enwrapped deeply by fascinating skills of characters in this novel. So I was interested in this kind of writing skill and began to read other works about symbolism and the Scarlet Letter. After reading some books about this , I found that it helpful and significant to write a paper systematically to analyze the usage of its artistic features in Scarlet Letter. And I hope that my research can be help of those who are interested in this novel.This paper mainly has six parts with the first and the last as introduction and conclusion, part one to part four as the main body. In the first part, I will analyze the narrative strategies about narrative structure,narrative space and time.I would like to raise the symbolism in this novel in the second part of the paper. In my second part of the paper, I will focus on two aspects of images of symbolism in this novel: the letter #8220;A#8221;, the love between characters, the sin of characters. In the third part, I will analyze the irony from this novel to the current society and make it two points, which including the affect in religion and the affect in society. Finally, I will analyze the method of Hawthorne to shaping the main characters. I will give my paper a clear introduction and concrete conclusion with as more possibilities as possible.4.OutlineTitle:Analysis on the ideological value in The Scarlet Letter from its Artistic FeaturesThesis: This thesis contains four kinds of artistic features of Scarlet Letter, including its narrative strategies, symbolism, irony and the characters shaping, and analyzing different usages to find their funtion and connection with the ideological value in Scarlet Letter.0.0. Introduction0.1 Background0.1.1 The author0.1.2 Time background0.1.3 Cultural background0.1.4 Moral background0.2 Literature review 0.3 Rationale0.4 Objectives of the paper (To analyze the relationship between ideological content and artistic characteristics)1.1 The narrative features1.1.1 Omniscience narration and (definition, its usage and function ) 1.1.2 Narration structure and narration time and space 1.1.3 The relationship between the narrative features and the plot or characters2.1 Symbolism in this novel 2.1.1 Definition of symbolism 2.1.2 The symbolism of the love between Hester Prynne and Dimmesdale. 2.1.3 The symbolism of the sin (corruption, lasciviousness, salvation)3.1 Irony 3.1.1 The definiton of irony 3.1.2 Irony in terms of the power and creed of Puritanism. 3.1.3 Irony works on the main characters(Hester Prynne, Roger Chillingworth, Arthur Dimmesdale,Pearl)4.1 Characterization 4.1.2 The multiplicity of main characters (who is the real culprits? ) 4.1.3 What ideological values have been reflected by different characters?5.1Conclusion5.1.1 Review of the points in the paper5.1.2 Further perspectives6.1 Acknowledgements7.1 References

3. 国内外研究现状

Scarlet Letter has always been one of research hotspots at home and abroad. Recently, their research direction become more diversfied and subtle. Particularly, the research on the symbolic meanings of the letter #8220;A#8221; has arouse extensive attention in scholars. In American literary circle, most of scholars regarded Scarlet Letter as a novel which contain the divergence between human nature and society. In domestic, scholars pay attention to analyse the symbolic meanings of the letter #8220;A#8221;.#8220;Hawthorne uses the symbolism so skillful that it enhances the artistic effects of his work greatly. We need to research the symbolism in this novel from the following aspects; the changing symbolic meaning of the scarlet letter, the names of the major characters and many objects that are described in the novel to make the symbolism clear to the readers.#8221;(苑文良 2005: 12). He amply describes the symbolic meaning in Scarlet Letter both in the letter#8221;A#8221; and the characters#8217; meanings. #8220;A#8221; stands for different meanings, including #8220;Adultery, Alone and Alienation, Able, Admirable, Angel#8221;. Most of scholars agree with the theory that the symbolic meanings in this novel are transformational. It shows growth in different chapters and characters. Such as the pious #8220;Apostle#8221; Master Dimmesdale, even he is regarded as the Abba to the the public, but no one can recognize he is the ugly #8220;adulterer#8221; eventually.(常润芳 2001:03). The letter#8221;A#8221; can also be compared as a Biblical Archetype. It refers to sins. #8220;The scarlet letter #8220;A#8221; also can be seen as the symbol of Adam. It tells us that Hester''s sin is the original sin of human being, it is forgivable.#8221;(陈素英 1997: 4). Another school emphasizes on the comparison between the China-related books and Scarlet Letter. They work on the angel of the different red images. The two great masterpieces, A Dream of the Red Mansion and the Scarlet Letter, appeared in two different countries and both employed the technique of 'red image'.(殷亚敏、吴文忠 2010:12). Fu Huimin also did research on the symbolism both in Scarlet Letter and A Dream of the Red Mansion.(傅慧敏 2012:04).Another research hotspot focuses on the narrative strategy of this novel. We can find some analysis in Yuanxiaohua,YangJincai #8220;Space Narrative Structure and Its Artistic Effects#8221; and PanZhiming analyzes the external and internal narrative strategies of Scarlet Letter respectively. The foreign scholars#8217; research will involve the religious culture, such as they will consider christian ethics about the sin and salvation. They attach more importance to the humanized puritanism, but it is strange that shcolars about humanized fall into two camps. One is thatthe humanized puritanism is overturned in Scarlet Letter of Hawthorne, and another is that Scarlet Letter also contain a critical element.(巫绍华 2011:11).

4. 计划与进度安排

Research schedule:1.Collect materials before 3th, December.2.Finish the outline before 15th, December.3.Finish first draft before 20th, Janury.4.Finish the second draft before 20th, February.5.Finish the Third draft before 20th, March.6.Finish the final draft before 20th, April.Research Methods: Induction, comparison, documentray method.

5. 参考文献

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