The Growth and Salvation of the Main Characters in Atonement开题报告

 2022-07-17 13:56:44

1. 研究目的与意义

Although time changes, the topic of atonement always exists in literature as well as in our life. In the novel Atonement, McEwan explores the theme of salvation through Briony, Cecilia, and Robbie#8217;s story, all of whom try to atone for themselves. However, Briony is the most important character who atones for her mistakes that has caused the tragedy of three of them, and spends the rest of her life in the exhaustion of deep repentance and redemption. Meanwhile, growth is also a main theme of this novel.Growth is a necessary stage of life. It is the main experience of human life in a widespread cultural phenomenon and human individual life. Growth is always a permanent theme in literature, and in the history of Oriental Literature, it occupied very important position. What#8217;s more, growth also has a very long tradition of literary creation. The novel is to discuss the growth character growth process as the theme of the novel, it is through the process of growth experience for a person or a few personal narrative, reflect the characters thoughts and thoughts from naive to mature in the process of change. So, this article will combine these two things to point that growth makes people understand the meaning of salvation, and people can get real growth from salvation. Salvation is closely related with growth.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

In this article, I will combine growth and salvation together to analyze this novel. I want to finally come out a conclusion that growth makes people understand the meaning of salvation, and people can get real growth from salvation. Salvation is closely related with growth. This article could be divided into three parts, introduction, main body and conclusion. In the introduction part it will introduce the background of the novel and McEvan. The characters of the three main figures, their living environment and their social stage may also be included in this part. In the main body, it will cover two part, main characters#8217; growth and their salvation. And combine them to discuss their relationship. And the last part it will come to a conclusion and reach the way to understand this novel better. The key question to be solved is the relationship between growth and salvation. Like I said before, I want to point that salvation is closely related with growth. This article will through analyzing characters#8217; experience, and the changes of character and environment to draw a conclusion. Content Abstract Key words 1. Introduction 1.1 The background of the novel and writer. 1.2 Characters, living environment and social stage of the three main figures. 2. Growth and salvation 2.1 Briony#8217;s growth and salvation 2.2 Cecilia#8217;s growth and salvation 2.3 Robbie#8217;s growth and salvation 3. The relationship between growth and salvation 4. Conclusion

3. 国内外研究现状

Overseas study Foreign scholars#8217; study involve sociology, writing technique, theory of narratology, subject matter inquiry, aesthetic research and many other directions. Jackslay thought that McEwan explored different kinds of human relationships, especially on the relationship between men and women ( Jackslay, 1991, P10). Brian Fanny analyzed the steam of consciousness in the novel and thought that the whole novel was always discussing the question of how to write novel ( Brian Fanny, 2004, P70). In the article published by James Harold, he wrote that Atonement disclosed that narrative imagination was not static or unified. It was a combination of dynamic state and multipole. It controlled imprecise language by the complex relation between knowledge and morality. ( James Harold, 2005, P139). Peter Mathews pointed out that although there was few fascism and Nazism mentioned in this novel, it was always existed in the outside world and daily life. ( Peter Mathews, 2006, P154). Domestic research situation Compares to the prevalent condition abroad, the domestic research is in a ascent stage. First of all, the study on writing technique becomes the key point in academic sector. For example, intertextuality, indeterminacy, techniques of defamiliarization in postmodernism novels. Hanjie and Zhang Liming showed the readers the narrative network McEwan made in the novel and intertextuality though unscrambling the tactics of the text. (Hanjie, Zhang Liming, 2011, Writer Magazine). In Zhangxing#8217;s opinion, she thought that in Atonement, the writer used many kinds of techniques of defamiliarization. It gave the readers a new aesthetic feeling. It had a great literariness. She analyzed some techniques like juxtaposition, irony, post-modern and many other techniques in Atonement. (Zhangxing, 2013, P7). Besides, many critics and scholars discuss the subject of the novel, especially on the salvation, growth and humanitarian spirit. In a word, scholars unscrambled this book from different angles. Their study promote readers#8217; understanding of Atonement. Growth runs through human#8217;s whole life and it is always the topic of human beings and culture. So, the subject of growth has a great value of research.

4. 计划与进度安排

1.Topic selection of thesis(2022.12): Read the novel, clear-out the direction, make sure the title. 2.Thesis proposal(2022.12-2022.1.10): According to the document and information, clear-out the purpose of study, main questions and thoughts. 3.The draft(2022.1.15-2022.3.1): Based on the frame and plan of thesis proposal, finish the draft under the guidance of tutor. 4.The paper amended and Mid-term examination papers(2022.3.6-2022.4.1):Under the guidance of tutor, revise the content, the structure and language, finish the paper amended. Write the report of mid-term examination, summarize the former completion status, give an account of later plan. 6.The final paper(2022.4.10-2022.5.10): under the guidance of tutor, check the language and format, proofread and polish the whole paper. Finish and hand in the final paper. 7.Thesis defense(2022.5.17-2022.6).

5. 参考文献

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