A Study of Winesburg, Ohio From the Perspective of Trauma Theory开题报告

 2022-08-02 10:41:03

1. 研究目的与意义

SherwoodAnderson is an important writer in the history of American literature in the20th century. Winesburg, Ohio is his most representative collection of shortstories, which is essential in the development of modern American literature,especially the development of American short stories. Since the publication ofthe book, many critics have interpreted it from various aspects, such asfeminism, growth theme, grotesque theme, non-traditional writing skills.

Thispaper summarizes previous studies and attempts to analyze this novel from theperspective of trauma theory. Since the world situation nowadays is stillvolatile, it is undoubtedly of practical significance and enlightening value todiscuss the trauma theme shown in the novel. It’s novel to apply trauma theoryto explore the significance of Sherwood Anderson''''s trauma writing, which willnot only help to deeply analyze the trauma connotation expressed in Winesburg,Ohio, but also help people to find a way to recover from trauma. This is why Iwant to study about Winesburg, Ohio from the perspective of trauma theory.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

1. Theintroductions of Sherwood Anderson, Winesburg, Ohio and trauma theory on thisstudy.

2. The symptoms ofcharacters’ trauma in Winesburg, Ohio.

3. The causesof trauma in Winesburg, Ohio.


3. 国内外研究现状

Manyforeign scholars have researched on the novel from various aspects. Among them,the most common and famous studies are focusing on writing techniques. Some researchersconsidered that Anderson is skillful in James Joyce’s “Epiphany”. Some researchersfocused on his simplicity of writing and studied this book from a culturalpoint of view. John Crowley paid more attention to the expressionism, maternallove and autobiographical moment. To sum up, this book has been studied biographically,geographically, historically, thematically, mystically abroad.

Compared with the maturityof the academic circles abroad, the study of Sherwood Anderson in China beginslate and is not systematically formed. The studies at home are mostly on hisunique writing skills, analyses based on the literary critical theories,investigations about alienation and spiritual wasteland of the characters inhis book. Few scholars have studiedthe novel from the trauma theory.

4. 计划与进度安排

1Introduction 1.1 SherwoodAnderson and Winesburg, Ohio 1.2 TraumaTheory 1.3 LiteratureReview 2Symptomsof Characters’ Trauma in Winesburg, Ohio 2.1 Disconnectionfrom Others 2.2 RepetitionCompulsion 2.3 CommunicationDisorders 3 Causes of Trauma in Winesburg, Ohio 3.1 SocialBackground 3.2 Absenceof Love 3.1 ChildhoodMemory4Recoveryfrom Trauma in Winesburg, Ohio4.1 Reconnections with Others4.2 IdentityReconstruction4.3 TraumaTheory Transformation5ConclusionBibliography

5. 参考文献

Anderson,S. (1966). Winesburg, Ohio. New York: The Viking Press.

AnneWhitehead. (2004). TraumaFiction (pp. 3-5).Edinburgh: EdinburghUniversity Press.

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