An Analysis Of Compson Brothers’ Survival Dilemmas From The Perspective Of Multiple Narration .开题报告

 2022-08-02 10:41:30

1. 研究目的与意义

The Sound And The Fury was famous for its unique writing technique and profound critic theme. Faulkner’s innovative expression of his work and sharp critical vision, with his creative use of streamlined consciousness and reversed chronological order and multiple narrative angles have greatly enriched the forms of writing representation in the level of time and space. The story and feelings of the same plot are various from multiple people''''''''s experiences, and different narrator’s tone directly reflects the different personalities represented by people with unequal values, which reveals this from the perspective of self-discussion and indicates the hidden reason for the end of the tragic story. The dilemma of the three compatriots of the Compson family under different perspectives and values is the subject of my study. From their unique perspective on time and space, they have a panoramic view of the decline history of tribes and families. In the southern society where the viewpoint is still old and conservative, I will use them as a research opportunity to deeply explore Caddy’s final tragedy as the protagonist and the cause of her miserable fate and the significance of warning, as well as to observe the author’s struggle and contradiction by appreciating such critical and creative writing skills.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

1 To appreciate the author’s innovative writing techniques and time and space.

2 To explore the author’s deep reason and significance in using this writing technique to present characters.

3 To analyse of the theme of the work in combination with the tragic ending.


3. 国内外研究现状

The multiple narration was widely used by the author in the story, telling the plot of different perspectives to show their unique personalities and values, as Gustav Hers Dolom in his award speech said that Faulkner seemed have created continues innovative writing skills to achieve the vastness of his novels .Most scholars have analyzed his unique writing skills, such as his creative use of stream of consciousness and time misplacement, as well as the multiple narrative angles that greatly enhance the artistic characteristics of the novel. Guan Jianming in his Time and space form in Faulkner''''''''s narrative art thought that from another dimension, the multiple narrative angles to describe the same event in addition to the spatial parallel effect could also form a ‘polyphonic’ effect between the various parts.

According to Wang Liexia ,that the role of the idiot Benjamin in the works is extremely important as a panoramic view of the decline history of the tribes and families, and reproduces the unique time and space view from the perspective of the fool, thus demonstrating the author''''''''s unique time consciousness.

They share the same point of view on the practical and aesthetic function through the analysis on the multiple perspective skills with different focuses.


4. 计划与进度安排

1.Introduction 1.1.Brief introduction of William Faulkner and the story 1.2.Brief Introduction of several typical writing skills used in the story 1.3.Literature Review2.Explanation of multiple and repeated narration2.1.Appreciation of this writing technique in the story 2.2.Study of the application and function of the technique 3.Study from different perspectives to analyse three narrators'' survival dilemmas 3.1.Study of Compson brothers'' different perspectives and tone3.1.1. Benjamin - Idiot3.1.2.Quentin - Pessimist3.1.3.Jason - Immoral

3.2 Study the Compson brothers'' different values and survival dilemmas 3.1.1. Benjamin-Sober but lost innocence3.1.2.Quentin-Distorted nostalgic dream3.1.3.Jason-Self hatred and contempt4.Conclusion

5. 参考文献

[1]DONALD M. KARTIGANER 1970 THE SOUND AND THE FURY AND FAULKNER''''''''S QUEST FOR FORM ELH, Vol. 37, No. 4 (Dec., 1970), pp. 613-639

[2]Evers, Stephanie K. 2009 'Trying to say': Narrative aesthetic and patriarchal language in Faulkner''''''''s 'The Sound and the Fury'. Masters Abstracts International

[3]James M. Mellard 1970 Caliban as Prospero: Benjy and 'The Sound and the Fury' NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction, Vol. 3, No. 3 (Spring, 1970), pp. 233-248

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