Modernity in W.B. Yeats开题报告

 2022-08-06 08:54:57

1. 研究目的与意义

William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet, playwright, essayist, and famous mystic. He was the leader of the Irish Renaissance movement and one of the founders of the Abbey Theatre. Influenced by romanticism, aestheticism, mysticism, symbolism and metaphysical poetry, Yeats developed his unique style. Yeats''s art epitomizes the transition of English poetry from tradition to modernity.

Due to the transition from different styles, Yeats’s poetry is a mixture of various elements. Major of previous studies focus on one of these aspects. This thesis will present romantic, modern and postmodern elements in poetry of W.B. Yeats. Put these elements together and compare them, readers will have a clear understanding of them. Understanding the different characteristics of each style will make readers know Yeats easier and clearer.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

1. Research content

William Butler Yeats had a transition from romanticism to modernism and then postmodernism in his poetry. His poetry had various elements of different style. This article will have a clear presentation of romantic, modern and postmodern elements combined with Yeats’s poems.

2. Key issues to be solved


3. 国内外研究现状

1. Previous study on romanticism in Yeatss poetry

Xiehui’s(2006) thesis attempts to study the romantic elements in the early poetry of W.B.Yeats. Yeats experienced the transition from the romanticism to modernism absorbing many important kinds of aesthetic ideology and literary styles. It is important to examine his romantic spirit carefully since romanticism influenced him greatly.

In piash’s(2020) thesis, the elements of romanticism are anti-classical or neoclassical, interesting in country life, presentation of common life, love of life and freedom, escapism, predominance of imagination and emotion-Supernaturalism, note of subjectivity, lyricism, simplicity in style.


4. 计划与进度安排

2022-11-20---2022-12-04 Choose the thesis topic and collect information

2022-12-05---2022-12-11 Write and submit the thesis proposal

2022-12-12---2022-01-19 Hand the first vision of the thesis and fill in the interim inspection form


5. 参考文献

Carroll, L. (2020). Symbolism in Yeats'' Poems. Retrieved from

Daniel, A. (2006). Yeats and Modernism. The Cambridge Companion to W.B. Yeats, edited by Marjorie Howes and John Kelly, Cambridge University Press, 59–76.

Hui, X. (2006). External Irish Rose--Romantic elements in the early poetry of W.B. Yeats. Hebei Normal University.

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