A Contrastive Study of Film Subtitle Translation between English and Chinese Languages开题报告

 2022-08-08 09:32:05

1. 研究目的与意义

With the rapid development of modern movie business, a great amount of movies from different countries are introduced to China. At the same time, our movies enter the international market. The introduction of foreign movies and the export of Chinese movies make the techniques of audiovisual translation develop rapidly. Superior audiovisual translation can show the original work's fascination to people in different countries. Audience can also enjoy these movies with no cultural barriers. However, there are still many dubbed films which are far from perfect. Those works may mislead the audience because they cannot express the original work's exact meaning. I choose this topic to study the problems on film subtitle translation from the cultural differences , the restrictions of language environment, the diversity of religious views and the differences of ideologies.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

研究内容: 1.The linguistic features and translation strategies of film subtitle translation. 2.The development trend of film subtitle translation. 3.The influence on film subtitle translation under different cultural background, language environment and so on. 4.The solutions to problems on film subtitle translation. 拟解决的关键问题: ①How to regulate film subtitle translation? ②Whatinfluences on film subtitle translation? ③Why film subtitle translation becomes entertainment-oriented? ④ What the solutions to the problems on film subtitle translation? 写作提纲: 1.Introduction 2.The status and development trend of film subtitle translation 2.1The research status of film subtitle translation in our country 2.2The research status of film subtitle translation abroad 2.3The development trend of film subtitle translation 3. The linguistic features and translation strategies of film subtitle translation 3.1 The linguistic features of film subtitle translation 3.1.1 Space constraint 3.1.2 Time limitation 3.1.3 The confluent of language 3.2 The translation strategies of film subtitle translation 3.2.1 Using simple sentences and words 3.2.2 Omission 3.2.3 Noting 4.The comparison of affecting factors on film subtitle translation between English and Chinese languages 4.1 Cultural background 4.2 Subject 4.3 Language environment 4.4 Religious view 4.5 Ideology 5.ConclusionReferences

3. 国内外研究现状

Language is the major medium used in cross-cultural communication. And the import and export of movies can't do without language transformation, which is film subtitle translation. It can help people cross the language barrier and promote national cultural exchange effectively. The status of film subtitle translation becomes more important. So it is supposed to be valued. But there are still many problems in film subtitle translation, especially the handling of cultural words and phrases. The study of film subtitle translation in foreign countries entered a golden age in the nineteen nineties. Many works and studies were springing up. In 1974, Dollarup's essay On Subtitles in Television Programmes published on Bable studied the film subtitle translation individually for the first time. After 1995, the study of film subtitle translation in western countries developed rapidly. Such research started late in China and arguments still exist. Our country hasn't had theoretical system yet. But our study on film subtitle translation is booming nowadays under the influence of foreign studies.

4. 计划与进度安排

1.In November, 2022: Search relevant information; choose a Chinese movie and an English movie for study; finish resesrch proposal. 2. Before March 18, 2022: Complete the first draft. 3.Before the end of April, 2022, Revise the thesis accoding to the suggestions given by the surpervisor and finish the final version. 4.In May, oral defense.

5. 参考文献

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