On the Translation of Film Titles from a Cross-Cultural Perspective开题报告

 2022-08-10 15:06:37

1. 研究目的与意义

With the ceaselessly development of era and the further deepening of globalization ,the film plays more and more important role in people''''s life and shoulders an important mission in culture transmission. At the same time, with the frequent communication in the world, films become a cultural communication platform for various countries, and it is also an important part of the world cultural development. The film translation is an integral part of communication between language and culture. But for the difference of Chinese and western countries in language, customs, ways of thinking, religious belief and other aspects, the translators always need to seek a balance between language and culture .In order to promote the communication and integration between Chinese and western culture, the films translation have an immeasurable effect on overcoming the obstacle of communication between Chinese and western culture. Especially the film title, it is the important part of film. However, the research of film title is relatively weak, and the relevant title translation study is few and few. As we all know, the film title represents the whole movie and locates in a very eye-catching position in numerous advertising posters. A good film title like a brilliant business card, it not only has the eye-catching effect, summarized the content of the movies with refining language, but also as a finishing point, which is beneficial for the audience to appreciate the unique charm of foreign culture ,and take a profound memory with endless aftertastes .

Therefore, the film titles translation have a top priority for film translation. Nevertheless, the film titles translation will inevitably encounter cultural differences in the process of film titles translation. Thus, how to make a high quality of film title that has the informative function 、aesthetic function and commercial function will certainly be worthy of further work.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This article has made a deeper understanding and application about film titles translation on the basis of the understanding of the relationship among language, culture and translation. Based on some existing source like books and web information. This article uses the literature index method, analysis method and comparison method.

This paper will focus on the current situation of film translation, and combine with the cultural differences Chinese and western, adopting a cross-cultural perspective to the analysis of film titles translation .I hope that this paper will be a reference to the future of film title translation and have a certain value for film fans to learn more cultural knowledge from film titles translation and understand it better with international vision. At the same time, I hope that this paper will be helpful for readers to grasp translation principles in depth and focus on the cultural differences of Chinese and western in film titles translation, and also have more clear understanding the cultural background of film titles translation to avoid some mistranslation and misunderstanding.

This paper consists of six parts, including the introduction and conclusion.


3. 国内外研究现状

Domestic research:

Translation studies have always been implemented since the very beginning of the translation activities in history, and the translation activities began from the need of human#8217;s communication. According to the recorded, our country has four translation activities: the scriptures translation of Buddhist from the Han dynasty to the tang and song dynasties, science and technology, religious translation of late Ming and early Qing dynasty, the literary translation from the late Qing dynasty to before the founding of the PRC, and various genres translation since the founding of new China, especially since the reform and opening-up, most of the western translation theories have been introduced, which greatly promote the development of domestic translation studies. Domestic translators learn from western theories and excavate the essence of Chinese traditional translation, which bring about an unprecedented prosperity in domestic translation research. Such as a foreign language teaching and research press 'translation studies' (1984), the commercial press 'the translation analects' (罗新璋编,1984), 'new translation (1983-1992)' (杨自俭、刘学云编,1994), ' the thoughts of translation '(许钧,1998) #8220;culture and translation#8221;(郭建中, 2000), and so on. Just a few years, the translation studies has been developing rapidly, and the new ideas, new research results emerge in endlessly. Wang Zuoliang(王佐良)pointed out in #8220;the cultural comparison in translation#8221; that the several large-scale activities of translation in the history , all related to social and cultural factors.

Film title translation, as an important part of film translation, is an important and creative task. However, film title translation has not gained enough attention like the literary translation ,(钱绍昌, 2000)'Chinese people watch TVmore than people reading literary works, but the studies of literary translation gained much more attention than film translation'. Therefore, the studies of film translation are lag behind .

Zhang Boran and Jiang Qiuxia (张柏然、姜秋霞)think that translation should be based on language, culture and way of thinking, combined with the method of scientific and humanistic care in the process of bilingual transformation. Xu Yuanchong (许渊冲2000)in ' new translation theory in new century ' put forward that' translation is the competition between two languages, even between the two cultures'. As we can see film titles translation is not only the change of language, but also the exchange and collision of two different culture. Wang Kefei(王克非) put forward to strengthen the translation studies of the cultural history, and explored the function and influence of the culture by translation , and conditionality of translation by culture. Wang Ning (王宁,1998)in 'the translation studies of context of culture ' pointed out that translation studies should be included in the current cultural study, which focused on the popular culture and mass media. Wang Dongfeng(王东风,2009)discussed the influence of several cross-cultural factors in the translation process, such as national culture、aesthetic standard、 political culture and ethical values, which revealed the ' According to the time of the accepting state of culture, all aspects of the culture will work in the process of translation with different degree,and the logic of the translator and language options of the translator '.( 郭建中)Guo Jianzhong believed that both foreignization and domestication translation strategy involves the cultural factors in the translation process, 'considering the different translation purpose, text type, the intention of the author and the reader, the two methods can complete their mission in the target language culture, and have its value of existence'.


4. 计划与进度安排


Key words

Chapter I. Introduction


5. 参考文献

[1]Newmark, Peter..A Textbook of Translation[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.

[2]Newmark, Peter.. A Textbook of Translation[M]. London: Prentice Hall,1988.

[3]Catford, J.C. A Linguistic Theory of TranslationAn Essay in Applied Linguistic[M].London: Oxford University Press,1965.

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