A Sociolinguistic Analysis of American Slang and Subculture Groups开题报告

 2022-08-10 15:06:44

1. 研究目的与意义

American slang is one of the language varieties in English language. It used to be considered as low, vulgar language, which ought not to be admitted as legitimate language. Today, slang is widely used by people from all walks of life. American slang words and expressions manifest American culture and the characters of American people, also American society. Along with the globalization and economic development, more and more countries are involved in it, America as one of big powers, whose language becomes more and more influential. The study of American slang can help us achieve a better understanding of American culture and American people. This thesis attempts to make a study on American slang from sociolinguistic perspective, which is from the descriptive approach to analyze American slang instead of traditional prescriptive approach, and tries to put American slang under the discussion of language and American society. And the study of American slang can enhance our culture-awareness in English teaching and learning so as to help us avoid pragmatic failure and misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication, and to improve our cross-cultural communication competence in international activities with foreign countries.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This thesis attempts to make a study on American slang from sociolinguistic perspective, which is from the descriptive approach to analyze American slang instead of traditional prescriptive approach, and tries to put American slang under the discussion of subculture groups. Firstly, this thesis mainly talks about the general aspects of slang. Secondly, this thesis discusses American slang from American mainstream culture and subculture aspects--how American slang is influenced by American culture and how it is used in American subcultural groups. Thirdly, this thesis talks about the social functions of American slang, that is, why people use slang in their conversation. Moreover, the last part is about the future of American slang.

3. 国内外研究现状

Many scholars do some research on the history, subculture groups and social functions of American slang. One of the pioneers in USA, who studied American slang from the pure linguistic point of view is, John Witherspoon, referring to slang as cant. At the beginning of 20 century, came Frank Sechrist''s lengthy article, in which he studies slang from psychological aspect that displays great insight and an enviable knowledge on slang. Then, C.L. Brook touches upon the characteristics of slang, as well as those aspects such as slang in English teaching, slang in interpersonal relationship and group solidarity. In China, in recent years, more and more scholars began to realize the importance in studying and learning English slang. The outstanding figures in this field in China are Feng Jian, whose two contributions on American slang illustrate American slang and how it was produced sociologically. Zheng Lixin,in his article discusses the characteristics of American slang and its social functions, which was published in the anthology of Language and Culture in 1990. And in the following years, more and more scholars joined the study of English slang, Such as, Ding Laotian, whose article A Study on The Cultural Trend of American Youth Culture observes American youth culture through the analysis of American slang. Previous scholars contributed greatly to the scientific research have laid a high and firm foundation for later studies.

4. 计划与进度安排

1. Introduction 2.The General Survey of American Slang2.1The Origin of Slang2.2The Definition of Slang2.3The Formation of Slang 2.4The Characteristic of Slang2.4.1 Highly Colloquial2.4.2The abundance of Synonyms2.4.3 Metaphors in American Slang2.4.4 Novelty and Transience of American Slang3.American Slang and A culture3.1 Language and Culture3.2 Slang and American Mainstream Culture 3.3 Slang and Subculture Groups 3.3.1 Introduction of Subculture and Its Relationship with American Slang3.3.2 Teenager and College Students Group3.3.3 Homosexual Group3.3.4 Criminal Group and Drug Addition Group3.3.5 Jazz and Rap musicians4. The social Function of American Slang4.1 The Functions of language4.2 The social function of American Slang5. The Future of American Slang6. Conclusion

5. 参考文献

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