A Comparative Study of the Motherhood Between Female-dominated Society and Male-dominated Society——Take Gilman’s Herland for Example开题报告

 2022-08-13 14:30:57

1. 研究目的与意义

Motherhood is the responsibility that the society puts on mothers. With the female liberation ideological trend spreading throughout the world, motherhood should be redefined in contemporary society. The female-dominated society in Gilman’s Herland bears pragmatic meanings for us to change the current view of motherhood.

In male-dominated society, men have controlled the social resources, putting women at a lower status. Because women are able to conceive and give birth to babies, quite a number of men naturally consider that women are bound to do that. Then they tend to bind women in the family with more mothers’ responsibilities and deprive them of their social needs.

According to a recent white paper on the way families are bearing children in China in 2019, in some rural areas and low-level cities, stay-at-home mothers account for 64.6 percent, which is far beyond the number of working mothers. Meanwhile, among the stay-at-home mothers, over 60 percent have a 'dream' of juggling a career, as well as realize their self-worth and increase their social status. We can see that women long for breaking the outdated stereotype of motherhood and regaining their social position.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

The motherhood is a significant part of feminist liberation and many of Gilman’s novels mention this topic. Among them, Herland is the most representative. Although there are feminist criticism on the novel, only a few of them focused on the motherhood.

On the basis of essays written on Gilman’s utopia and new type of motherhood, we can compare the motherhood in Herland and in male-dominated society more thoroughly. Meanwhile, its enlightenment to new motherhood construction and feminist liberation deserves more attention and further study.


3. 国内外研究现状

In recent years, great achievements have been made by scholars both at home and abroad in the studies of Gilman and her work Herland.

Simon de Beauvoir, a French feminist theorist of the 20th century, proposed in her book The Second Sex (1960) that women should have the courage to step out the stereotype from male perspective and recognize themselves from their own view. On the basis of this concept, Long Qin, in her thesis “On the Theme of Motherhood in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Feminist Utopian Trilogy”(2012), pointed out that Herland reveals the crime of institutional motherhood and calls on mothers to get out of the shackles of the 'family concentration camp' so that they can improve themselves independently and fully and realize their value as social human beings. Later, in her essay “Female Gets Rid of the Status Provided by Male----The Progressiveness of Gilman’s Motherhood in Herland”(2014), proposed that women should shape and develop themselves according to their own needs instead of men’s needs.She thought that Gilman’s concept of motherhood is forward-looking and illuminating for today''s women''s movement, and is the key to social progress.

Karen E. Maloney, mentioned a concept in her essay “A Feminist Looks at Education: The Educational Philosophy of Charlotte Perkins Gilman”(1998) that motherhood is social education, which can not only bring new experience to education, promote democracy, equality and humanity in the field of education, but also establish a stable and common development direction for the interaction between education and society.


4. 计划与进度安排

1. November 25, 2022 the selection of the topic;

2. December 10, 2022 opening report;

3. March 10, 2022 the first draft;


5. 参考文献

Beauvoir, S. D(1960). The Second Sex. London: Landsborough Publications Limited.

Maloney, E. K(1998). A Feminist Looks at Education:The Educational Philosophy of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Teachers College Record(03),514-536.

陈大为.(2013).构建女性乌托邦——女性主义下《她乡》中的她者世界. 牡丹江大学学报(08),69-71.

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