A Pragmatic Analysis of Impoliteness Strategies in China-Related Reports of CNN during COVID-19开题报告

 2022-08-13 14:31:35

1. 研究目的与意义

The study of this essay hasimportant practical and theoretical significance, which can be summarized asfollows:

First of all, since Brown andLevinson (1978) put forward the politeness theory, politeness has become aprominent issue in linguistics. The impolite phenomena are common butimpoliteness is often neglected by researchers at the beginning. So the studieson impoliteness are later than those on politeness. Nowadays scholars have paidmuch attention to the phenomena of impoliteness and they have attempted to explorethe impoliteness from different angles. The researches are involved in variousfields, including literary works (Culpeper, 1993), the court(Kryk-Kastovsky, 2006), military training (Zhou [周树江] amp; Cao [曹世清],2017), medical conflicts (Grainger, ), driving dialogues(Zhang[张玮] amp; Xie [谢朝群], 2016), and network communication(Graham,2008), etc. While there are few studies innews. Thispaper aims to analyze verbal impoliteness within the news context, which canenrich the research corpus and make up the blank. And to some extent, this study ishelpful to shed some light on further research in news.

Besides, the news itself should beobjective and authentic. However, during the COVID-19, the CNN news used verbalimpoliteness to maliciously smear and slander China. And these news will exertgreat influence to people’s opinions of someone or something. This studyexplores the impoliteness strategies employed in CNN news, which is useful forpeople to have a clear understanding of impolite phenomena in news and doeshelp to create a healthy public opinion environment.


2. 研究内容和预期目标

The thesis focuses on which kind of the impoliteness strategies areemployed by CNN in China-related reports during COVID-19 and the purposes of impolitenessstrategies employed by CNN.

This thesis specifically answers the following two research questions:

(1) What are the impoliteness strategies employed by CNN inChina-related reports during COVID-19?


3. 国内外研究现状

Thestudies on impoliteness can be traced back to the study of face (Goffman, 1955)and politeness (Lakoff, 1973). The original studies on impoliteness are mainlybased on the Face Theory of Brown and Levinson (1978) and Politeness Principleof Leech (1983). In this period, impoliteness is a marginalized linguisticphenomenon. It is regarded as a pragmatic failure of politeness (Beebe,1995),and a violation of Politeness Principle. The concept of impoliteness was notcompletely proposed during this period. Instead, it is replaced by terms suchas “aggravation”, “rudeness” and “conflict”. According to Culpeper (2017),Lachenicht (1980) is the first scholar who tries to systematically discuss theimpoliteness. He contributes to distinguishing positive aggravation andnegative aggravation. Lakoff (1989) distinguishes three forms of politeness inthe context of medical discourse: polite acts, impolite acts and rudeness.Lakoff claims that rudeness refers to the behavior that people don’t use apoliteness strategy when it should be used. Still, Lakoff doesn''t use the termimpoliteness in his argument. Another notable scholar is Kasper (1990), whodistinguishes motived rudeness and unmotived rudeness. In his view, rudeness isa violation of proper conducts due to ignorance. Domestic studies on impoliteness arelater than the studies abroad. Liu [刘润清] (1986) argues thatthe impoliteness is the extension of Brown amp; Levinson’s Politeness Theoryinstead of the independent research object. Ding [丁崇明] (2001)is the first scholar who studies the impoliteness in China, mainly illustratingthe impoliteness in forms of reiterative. He points out reiterative is asynthetical effect and whether it can bring forth impoliteness has to do withmany factors.

Asscholars pay more attention to impoliteness, the researches of impoliteness aremainly marked by the construction of theoretical framework, and the mainrepresentatives are Jonathan Culpeper and Bousfield. Inspired by Brown amp;Levinson, Culpeper attempts to develop a theoretical framework of impolitenessopposite to the politeness framework of Brown amp; Levinson. Thus,impoliteness has been completely put forward and has become one of the hottopics of pragmatics. Since Culpeper (1996) published Towards an Anatomy ofImpoliteness, the study of impoliteness has gradually drawn the attentionof scholars. Culpeper identifies five impoliteness strategies as opposed toBrown and Levinson’s politeness strategies, namely bald on record impoliteness,positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness, sarcasm or mock impoliteness andwithhold politeness. Culpeper (2017) puts forward that the study ofimpoliteness is interdisciplinary and multi-dimensional, and in fact it startedaround 2008. Inspired by Culpeper, Bousfield (2008) published the book Impolitenessin Communication, marking the gradual transition from politeness researchto impoliteness research. In the book, Bousfield lists ten problems,systematically describes how the impoliteness is aroused, and verifies andimproves Culpeper''s theoretical framework of impoliteness.

With theestablishment of the theoretical framework of impoliteness in the west, moreand more domestic scholars bring in the theoretical framework and works, and supplementthe theories. Gong[龚双萍] (2009) makes a brief introduction ofBousfield’s impoliteness framework. Xie [谢世坚] (2009) complementsthe theory when he finds the pragmatic theoretical are insufficient to explainthe phenomenon of impoliteness, and he introduces Rudanko’s (2006) impolitenessstrategies. Culpeper’s (2011) Impoliteness: Using Language to Cause Offence is introduced by Yan [严敏芬] (2012), which talks about thecomparatively comprehensive analysis modes of impoliteness.Chen [陈新仁] (2018) improves thenew pattern about politeness, rapport management and interpersonalrelationships that Spencer-Oatey proposed. Later, they mainly apply thetheories to analyze impolite phenomena in specific contexts. Liu [刘风光] amp;Fan [樊倩] (2012) applies the impoliteness theories todramatic discourses by analyzing Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing, toexplore the new research approach which combines cognitive linguistic theoryand literary works. Based on Rapport Management Model of Spencer-Oatey andBousfield’s impoliteness models, Lai [赖小玉] (2014) explores theaggravated disagreement in family conflicts from four dimensions. Zhou [周树江] amp; [曹世清] (2017)discusses how the impoliteness strategies employed in military trainingconstruct the identity of soldiers.


4. 计划与进度安排

2022.1.15 - 2022.1. 25: Collect related information andread relevant theses

2022.1.26 - 2022.3.19: Complete the first draft andmid-term inspection and submit it to my supervisor

2022.3.20 - 2022.5.14: Revise the thesis, do theduplicate checking and hand over the final draft


5. 参考文献

Beebe,L. M. (1995).Polite #64257;ctions: instrumental rudeness as pragmatic competence. Georgetown University Roundtable on Language andLinguistics.

Bousfield,D. (2008). Impoliteness in Interaction. Phiadelphia and Amsterdam: John BenjaminsPublishing Company.

Brown,P. amp; Levinson, C. (1987/1978). Universals in Language Usage: PolitenessPhenomena. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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