A Study of Intertextuality in Journalism Translation开题报告

 2022-08-13 14:31:37

1. 研究目的与意义

With the development of the internet, journalistic industry has changed a lot —— traditional journalism medias like newspaper have been replacing gradually by TV broadcast and news websites, resulting in the dissemination of presses become more convenient and timelier. Consequently, everyday people receive a larger amount of news in which much international information merged. Whether the readers can better understand the international news, the quality of translation is crucial. That is why I study this topic.

Indeed, due to the differences between divergent cultures, journalistic translators sometimes should use intertextuality to make the translation more intelligible and accepted by the target readers. Therefore, learning the significance and application of intertextuality attributes directly to the translation’s quality. The thesis will illustrate the importance of translation towards Journalism and Communication and how intertextuality impacts on journalism translation, aiming at raising readers'' awareness ofusing this theory.

Furthermore, this study will put up with some suggestions because there are still many mistakes remaining among news especially those unofficial resources.In conclusion, the significance are from two aspects. Namely, helping readers know the importance of intertextuality in journalism translation and how to avoid some errors through intertextuality.

2. 研究内容和预期目标

This thesis study plans to achieve three goals as following:1.to introduce what is journalism translation and intertextuality

2.to illustrate the relationship between the both

3.to help readers understand how intertextuality in journalism translation by showing readers some specific application of intertextuality in journalism translation

4.to give some advises on journalism translation from the perspective of intertextuality


3. 国内外研究现状

Since the 1960s, intertextuality has been a hotly-contested academic topic. As a nascent concept of literary theory, intertextuality is not only a tool of literary research, but also an important method widely used in translation. In the field of translation, people have abandoned the one-sided view that translation is a simple one-way process and turned to the possibility of multiple meanings.

The relationship between intertextuality and translation can be traced back in the late 1960s. French critic and novelist Kristeva is the first one to put forward the concept of intertextuality, and used Bakhtin''''s 'polyphony theory'(复调理论) to refute the traditional idea that text is defined by the author.

Lefevere (1983), a famous contemporary translation theorist, put forward a new theory of 'refraction'. While pointing out that classical literature is the accumulation of refraction of itself and a series of familiar literary texts, he holds that translation is also a reflection of the original. This kind of refraction includes the intertextuality activities that integrate various factors in the process of cross-cultural text conversion.


4. 计划与进度安排


December 12,2022opening report

January 30,2022 the first draft


5. 参考文献

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